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  1. M

    Guild Wars 2 discusion.

    The Beta of GW2 comes out in mid '08, The game comes out in spring '09. Now for some info. You can swim, jump over objects, and certain quest if you decide to do one thing you it will affect the rest of the quests. Also you can play as charr and more races! For more info, go to wiki and type...
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    Is it me or am I the only one who has the book? Also I think this manga would be a neat anime, if they made one! Moderators, I don't know if this should be moved to manga forum, or stay here... Ok comments come on in!
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    The word Demon in anime, should it be removed?

    I think that it should be removed and use monsters instead or demons. I know that they are real, but that is going to far putting the word "demon" in Animes.
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    Mass Effect

    Mass Effect is coming out in 11/20/07 less than a month! What do you think about Mass Effect?I personly think that it will be game of the year!
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    Gimp help?

    Is someone or someone here uses gimp that they can help me to understand it.I try and try but none of the tools make sence.